Welcome to the Thriving Thistle Wellness Center!
Your Path to THRIVING!
Here at Thriving Thistle Wellness Center we honor the journey of life and THRIVING! We understand that each person is comprised of a multitude of life experiences and choices. Our facility is an all-encompassing wellness center that addresses all the components that make us up. We utilize a state-of-the-art technology called heart rate variability (HRV) to get a map of the WHOLE person. From this map, our knowledgeable wellness providers will have a clear direction on how to best serve you with our diverse list of services. This life is a journey, and at Thriving Thistle Wellness Center our team will provide support, care, knowledge and tools for a lifetime of wellness!
Services & Experiences
Chiropractic Adjustments Personal Training Mental Health Counseling
B.E.S.T. Treatments Massage Therapy Fire Cupping
Spinal Flow Fitness Center Book Study Groups
Cranial & Sacral Yoga Classes Food & Mood Support Group
Float Therapy Fire Cupping Workshops & Retreats
Infrared Sauna Animal Chiropractic
Group Class Schedule
September is for SELF-CARE!
Self-Care September Week Four with Dr. Liz Stocks
Self-Care September Week Three with Dr. Liz Stocks
Self-Care September Week Two with Dr. Liz Stocks
Self-Care September Week One with Dr. Liz Stocks
Meet Our Wellness Team
Click on the photos below of our Wellness Team Members to learn more about them!